Two acknowledgments for Professor Emanuele

Within a week two distinct awards have been conferred to Professor Emmanuele F. M. Emanuele Chairman of Fondazione Terzo Pilastro – Internazionale for his passion and commitment to culture during two important events.
The first event was the “Margutta Award” - Art Section, presented on the 25th of September 2020 during the XXIII edition of “ModArt”, the annual event that celebrates, in the charming setting of via Margutta in Rome, the artistic philosophies of fashion and art, intimately linked by inspiration and influence. The reason for this recognition was presented by the Patron of the Award Giovanni Morabito upon conferment: “Professor Emanuele is a real poet in the Greek meaning of the word, that is a maker who produces new ideas. Just take a look at his poetic output and his personal and professional history that seems to be an infinite polyglot novel. Italy is a country in which the Third Sector struggles to meet the needs of the community due to the State’s shortcomings. Just think how many of our fellow citizens, once retired, take food to the homeless every day or volunteer in hospices. As mentioned, he is not only a poet and a champion of the Third Sector, he has also carved out another role: he promoted this wonderful road in Rome where his life in Rome began. He co-produced with us the exhibition ‘Via Margutta scolpisce il contemporaneo’, which received critical acclaim and saw sculptures by the great protagonists of contemporary art placed along via Margutta for the first time. He never gives up and never will. His causes are not only those of common sense but those of people like him who have a complete vision of the future.”
During the evening the Margutta Award, a registered trademark that has always been a symbol of creativity and intellectual fertility, represented by a sculpture by the artist Angela Pellicanò, was also conferred to the following categories: Entertainment /publishing - Dimensione Suono Roma; Music -Fiorella Mannoia; Cinema -Alessandro Preziosi, Laura Morante Marcello Fonte; Musical group- Negrita; Journalism - Sabrina Giannini. Whereas on the 3rd of October at Vetralla, Professor Emanuele was conferred with the Poetry Biennale Prize 2020, titled “L'Albero dell'Umanità” a sculpture placed in the Vatican City and in Bethlehem in the presence of 112 Head of States in 2000 with the blessing of Pope John Paul II, which for twenty years has been used for the nomination of “Testimone di Pace nel Mondo” in recognition of special achievements in the social, poetry, culture, art and solidarity fields. This significant acknowledgement has been awarded to the internationally renowned University Professor, Economist and Philanthropist Emmanuele F. M. Emanuele for his commendable and tireless work performed in sensitive social sectors, even by means of the various foundations that he chairs, as well as the achievements in support of worldwide culture and poetry throughout the world. He is a tenacious and convinced innovator in every project and in every sector to which he dedicates his human and professional purposeful commitment. He is a recognised and respected patron of arts, a devotee of art and beauty and finally a poet whose work has received numerous acknowledgments such as the Special Prize awarded by the Poetry Biennale - Lettera d’Argento in 2015, the Margutta Award in 2009, the Mondello International Literary Prize - the President’s and the Jury’s special prize and the Premio Laurentum in 2010, Honorary Diploma by the World Academy of Poetry in 2011, the ‘Pianeta Azzurro - I Protagonisti’ Prize (2016), the Montale Fuori di Casa 2019 – Mediterranean section Prize for Poetry in 2019. The VI Biennale of Poetry - Lettera d’Argento was held in the presence of celebrities from the worlds of culture, poetry, music, entertainment, civil society and solidarity.