Sportello della solidarietà

The Sportello della Solidarietà was established for the purpose of encouraging and supporting the accomplishment of social projects based on the values of solidarity, mutual aid, social inclusion and the promotion of underprivileged groups. Non-profit organisations may submit applications to the Sportello for grants for projects in the following sectors: Health; Scientific Research; Aid for the Less Fortunate; Education and Training and Art and Culture.

  • Health
  • Aid to the Less Fortunate
  • Education and Training
  • Art and culture

the Foundation has decided to prioritise projects addressing:

  • rare diseases (in the field of scientific research);
  • socio-medical care for patients and support for their families;
  • youth vocational training and placement;
  • training courses for the placement of disabled citizens held by organisations with an excellent track record in this field and, finally,
  • revival and enhancement of arts and crafts even through training courses.

Please request information by e-mail at:

Open Call for Proposal

The ‘Sportello della Solidarità’ operates through an OPEN CALL FOR PROPOSALS, with no deadline, in which all public or private non-profit organisations operating in Italy and Mediterranean countries may participate.

Interested parties may submit only one grant application per year for an amount from a minimum of Euro 50,000.00 up to a maximum of Euro 100,000.00, using the attached OPEN CALL APPLICATION FORM.

Si prega leggere con attenzione le indicazioni riportate nelle pagine 11, 12, 13 del modulo, di compilare il modulo in ogni sua parte e di presentare la documentazione completa e aggiornata.
La Fondazione si riserva la facoltà di acquisire ulteriori informazioni e/o di effettuare sopralluoghi sia in fase di istruttoria che in caso di accoglimento della richiesta, nonché di eseguire controlli sul corretto utilizzo dei fondi erogati e di sospendere o revocare l?erogazione in caso vengano riscontrate irregolarità.

Applications for contributions must be sent by registered mail with return receipt to the following address:

Fondazione Terzo Pilastro - Internazionale
Sportello della Solidarietà
Piazza di Monte Citorio, 115
00186 Rome


No, being a so-called open call for proposals there is no deadline.

Yes, the enclosures must be submitted together with the application form which is only a summary of the more detailed information provided in enclosures.

Yes, each section should be completed.

We are unable to specify a timeframe. An application for a contribution submitted to the Sportello dell Solidarietà must be formally completed for the competent bodies of the Foundation to assess its merits.